IM OK Work Alone App is an easy to use lone worker safety monitoring system that allows staff to check in remotely and tell their emergency contact they are okay. The IM OK lone worker monitoring system also gives staff the option to send a text message, email or phone call to a designated monitor if they are at risk. The monitor can then take action or request additional information from the lone worker. The lone worker app can be used anywhere in the world and works with any smartphone. The system uses a simple smartphone app, a website and cloud-based dashboard that can be used on any computer or smart device.
Users set up a work alone session in the app and then choose how long they want to work, how often they want the app to check in and who they want as their emergency contact. The lone worker safety app will then send a push notification to the user asking them to check in. If they do not respond or confirm they are okay, the lone worker safety app will automatically call their emergency contact. If the emergency contact does not answer they can press the help button on the lone worker app to notify campus security and emergency services.
When a lone worker checks in, they can also choose to have a text, email or phone call sent from the IM OKĀ Intercon Messaging in Alberta, Canada lone worker monitoring system to their designated monitor if they are at risk or if they have not checked in in time. The lone worker monitoring system has a 24/7 call centre that can be used to respond to missed check ins and to help workers who have requested assistance via the app.
In the event that a worker has not responded to their check in time, the IM OK lone worker safety app will alert the designated emergency contact and then notify campus security and emergency services. The emergency contact can then choose to call the lone worker back by pressing ‘1’ or call campus safety services by hitting ‘2’ on their phone.
The IM OK lone worker safety app can be used anywhere in the world and is connected to local emergency services. It is a great tool to have for anyone who has to work alone or in high risk environments. The IM OK lone worker safety application can be used by any employee and it will remind them to check in regularly, monitor their location and enable them to tell their emergency contact that they are at risk.
The IM OK lone worker monitoring app is an inexpensive solution to keep your employees safe. With no long term contracts and prices starting at $5/worker/month. You can try the IM OK lone worker monitoring app free for 30 days. If you would like to purchase a license to use the IM OK lone worker monitoring software please contact us. We can offer special pricing for bulk purchases of the IM OK lone worker monitoring solution.
Intercon Messaging
6226 50 Ave
Drayton Valley, AB
T7A 1R7