How to Groom Your Dog

Grooming is more than just brushing or bathing your dog — it’s about keeping them healthy. Regular grooming, whether done by yourself or a professional, helps prevent skin problems and diseases like hot spots, ear infections, and more. It also ensures that your dog feels clean and comfortable. This is especially true for dogs who live in cold climates. Dogs with long hair tend to shed more during cold weather, but regularly brushing their coat can help reduce the amount of hair that is shed around your home.

A professional groomer will typically shampoo, comb, trim and/or clip, brush, de-mat, clean ears, and check for any problems or parasites. They may also trim or shave the tail, legs, and feet. In addition, a groomer can help you with your dog’s training, teaching them tricks and basic obedience commands.

If you decide to groom Dog grooming Coral Springs your pup yourself, start with a dog brush that’s specifically made for dogs (along with a comb and nail clippers). A comb can help you remove any small tangles before they become big ones, while a rubber curry brush can be used to loosen up dense matting. For longer-coated breeds, a rake is another important grooming tool — it can get deep into the coat and remove tangles or dead undercoat close to the skin.

When you’re ready to wash your pet, choose a time when they’re already calm and relaxed, such as after a walk or some playtime. This will help keep them from feeling overwhelmed during the grooming process. Then, “work the shampoo into a good lather, starting with the neck and moving downward to the back and legs, then the rear and tail,” says Wildman. If desired, use a conditioner afterward.

After the bath, use a towel to dry your dog and then comb out their fur, paying special attention to the tangles that may have occurred during bathing. If you’re not sure how to brush out a particular tangle, try applying some eucalyptus oil or baby powder to the area and then combing it gently. You can also use a special detangler spray for dogs to help tame difficult knots.

Lastly, don’t forget to brush your dog’s teeth and trim their nails regularly. If you don’t do this regularly, your dog’s teeth can develop tartar which could lead to pain, discomfort, and tooth loss. It’s a lot easier to prevent this from happening with routine brushing and dental cleaning. Just be sure to use toothpaste and toothbrushes designed for dogs, as human products can cause irritation.