Bronx Traffic Ticket Lawyers: Your Guide to Fighting Fines and Points

Often drivers in The Bronx (or the borough of New York City known as the “Bronx”) will receive traffic tickets and ignore them out of convenience, not realizing that the consequences for doing so are far worse than paying the ticket fines. They are setting themselves up for points on their record, higher car insurance rates, and even potential license suspension. Those who seek legal counsel to fight their traffic tickets may find that the costs are well worth it in terms of saving money, time, and hassle.

There are a number of ways to challenge a ticket, including online, over the phone, or in person. A Bronx traffic violation lawyer could work to help you contest your ticket through any of these methods and in court. They could also assist you in gathering information like witness statements, evidence, and other necessary documentation to present your case, as well as accompany you to any hearings.

Speeding tickets are the most common Bronx traffic ticket lawyers issued in The Bronx. Whether you were traveling above or below the speed limit, any alleged speeding will lead to a fine, points on your record, and possibly a license surcharge if you’re an out-of-state driver. In fact, some people from Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and other states who pay their speeding fines and then go home may not realize they are facing a surcharge in their home state until they receive a notice from their driver’s license agency.

Another common offense is disobeying a stop sign. This type of infraction can result in a fine, and potentially three points on your driving record. Moreover, it can lead to higher car insurance rates and jeopardize job security for professional drivers or those who are insured by their employers.

A third common violation is cell or portable electronic device use while driving. Although there has been an increase in Bluetooth and hands-free technology in vehicles, this is still a big problem that many people fall prey to. Failing to obey a traffic control device carries a fine and two points on your record.

Lastly, failure to signal is an easy way for police officers to write tickets. This offense carries a fine and often three points on your record, and can be especially dangerous if you’re a commercial driver or have children in the vehicle with you.

While you have the option to simply plead guilty and pay your fines, a Bronx traffic violation attorney may be able to help you beat your ticket and save you from losing your license. If you’re considering hiring a lawyer to represent you, be sure to check out the LawInfo directory to ensure you find an attorney who is licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. You can also view each lawyer’s background, education and training, and client recommendations using the detailed profiles. Then, connect with one of the verified Bronx traffic violation lawyers by filling out the contact form on the page.